Franklin Grove IL


Franklin Grove Information

Village of Franklin Grove,IL
105 E South St
P.O. Box 206
Franklin Grove, Illinois 61031

New to Franklin Grove, IL? Set up your water, sewer and garbage accounts at Village Hall, 105 E. South St.

Click here to view information about garbage pickup and other refuse services


Click here to view Village of Franklin Grove, IL, President, Clerk and Trustees

Click here to view the official codes for the Village of Franklin Grove, IL

Click here to learn where to pay your water, sewer and garbage bills



Franklin Grove IL Village Board:
Village President David Atkinson
Village Clerk Stephanie Sprague

Trustee Heather Grove 815-994-8609
Trustee Shaun Thompson 815-677-7988
Trustee Paul Erisman 815-535-1688
Trustee Nick Sprague 815-973-0705
Trustee John Nicholson 815-218-0274
Trustee Amanda Lanning 815-990-3787

Professional Services:
Village Attorney - Dana Considine


President: David Atkinson, 440-3830
Village Clerk/Treasurer: Stephanie Sprague, 440-2616
Interim Police Chief: B. J. Harney, 456-2131

Comm Dev: Heather Grove 815-994-8609
Finance: Shaun Thompson 815-677-7988
Properties: Paul Erisman 815-535-1688
Street & Alleys: Nick Sprague 815-973-0705
Tourism: John Nicholson 815-218-0274
Water & Sewer: Amanda Lanning 815-990-3787

Disposal Plant: 456-2501
Public Works Superintendent: 440-4631
Streets & Alleys Superintendent: 440-4632
Tris Brumbly, Zoning Officer: 757-6903
Water Department: 456-2501


Franklin Grove Township: 815-456-3400


Refuse services provided in the City of Franklin Grove :

Curbside Refuse is collected every Tuesday and Friday
No limit on Household Refuse (must be household garbage)
No major Construction or Remodel material.
All Refuse must be either be contained into a garbage can, box, or bag that doesn't exceed 50lbs in weight or 5ft in length.
No charge for household bulk items within reason. (couches, mattresses, entertainment centers)

No curbside recycling service
No curbside yard waste service

The Village of Franklin Grove handles the curbside yard waste
T here is no curbside recycling, however there is a recycling dumpster located at Village Hall at 105 E South St in Franklin Grove, IL




Franklin Grove, IL

You can pay your Franklin Grove water, sewer & garbage bills at the following locations:

1st National Bank in Amboy (Franklin Grove Branch)
Village Hall - 105 E. South Street (East Door Slot)

Mail - Village of Franklin Grove,IL
105 E South St
P.O. Box 206
Franklin Grove, Illinois 61031
Allow 7 to 10 days for delivery




Franklin Grove IL


Burning Ordinance
May burn tree leaves and twigs on private property only. Anytime between sunrise to sunset during the period from
March 15 through May 15 and September 15 through November 30

Brush Pickup
All garbage cans and yard waste to be set in front of the house not in the alley. Also grass clippings, etc. should be placed in a paper bag, not plastic. All tree branches and brush no longer than 4 feet and tied in bundles of 40 to 50 lbs.

Building Permits
Any new construction or remodel needs to have a permit as well as any decks, fences, dog runs, etc.
When in doubt call the Village Hall to inquire if a permit is needed.

Dumpsters and Street Obstructions
All dumpster and any other street obstructions require a permit to be obtained by the Village Zoning Officer.

Franklin Grove IL


Effective Immediately
Any water, sewer or garbage customer who receives a shut-off tag must pay the bill at:
Franklin Grove Village Hall
105 E. South Street
Franklin Grove, IL

Any questions contact the Village Clerk at


Water and Sewer Superintendent


Click here to see the original notice in a Word (.doc) format

Click here to see the original notice in a PDF (.pdf) format



Franklin Grove Cemetery Association
Fire Department
Park Board
Public Library
Public Library Board
meets the 1st Tues of each month
Road Commissioner
Township Supervisor
Village Board
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month
Village Hall
Lee County Sheriff

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